ÖGK Customer Service


ÖGK Customer Service | A-Freistadt

The new building of the Austrian Healthcare Insurance (ÖGK) in Freistadt was realised by choosing a ceramic facade in three color nuances. The basis is formed by ALPHATON® tiles in the natural ivory shade. The cutting in the left corner of the building was clad with terracotta elements made of both volcanic gray and green-glossed tiles. The in-house lab made it possible to find the right green shade of the ÖGK logo and to apply it to the fired ceramic tiles.

Architect: Delta Projektconsult GmbH | Wels
Product: ALPHATON®
Color: Vulcano gray, ivory, green glazed
Shape: Special form, grooved
Photo: Erich Sinzinger (2022)
Project number: 190603